Blog SEO Strategies to Get Readersblogging blog word coder coding using laptop page keyboard notebook blogger internet computer marketing opinion interface layout design designer concept - stock image

SEO has come a long way since the days of keyword stuffing and link farms. The truth is, search engine algorithms are more sophisticated than ever before—and they’re catching on to shady SEO Brisbane tactics faster too.

If you want to stand out in the SERPs (search engine results pages) and attract new readers while making sure they stay loyal once they get there, it’s time to learn some smart techniques for developing content that sticks with them after they leave your blog or website.

1. Nail your keyword research

If you’re planning to write a blog post for SEO in Brisbane, it’s important to define the problem before starting on a solution. You should also set goals for that post. That way, you have something to aim for and can measure your success against those goals.

Don’t worry about what other people’s goals are; focus on yours! Be ambitious but stay realistic — if your goal is “get 1 million page views per month,” that may not be very achievable in the short term (or even ever).

Instead, think about setting tangible fitness-related goals like losing 10 pounds over three months or being able to do ten pushups without needing any rest after one month of working out three times per week

2. Focus on user intent (not search engines)

The first step in creating a blog that readers want to read is to focus on user intent.

User intent is what the user wants to accomplish, such as finding information or solving a problem. It’s not about keyword optimisation or SEO.

Instead, it’s about understanding what your audience needs from their experience with your content and delivering that in an easy-to-use format–one that meets the user at their level of expertise and helps them get results quickly without overwhelming them with technical language or jargon.

3. Take your time writing blog SEO-friendly headlines

  • Use keywords in your headlines.
  • Ask questions that get readers to click on the headline, like “How to Get the Most out of Your Blog?” or “Which Social Media Platforms Should You Use for Marketing?”.
  • Use calls to action (CTAs), like “Learn More” or “Start Now”.
  • Make sure you include numbers in your titles, such as “5 Ways To Boost Blog Traffic”. This also helps with SEO because Google loves content that contains numbers!
  • Be specific and concise when writing headlines, so it’s easy for people who are searching for a specific topic to find your content quickly when they search for something related on Google Search or another search engine like Bing/Yahoo!

4. Use the right heading tags

Heading tags are one of the most important elements of SEO. They allow you to organise your content, and they tell Google which parts of it are more important than others.

Headings should be used according to their level: h1 tags for titles (the most important), h2 tags for subtitles (the next most), and so on until you get down to h6 tags (which don’t really have much value).

Blog SEO

For example, if you were writing about how to cook an eggplant parmesan dish from scratch, then the title would probably use an h1 tag; the subtitle could be an h2 tag; and so, on down until we get to our last heading.

5. Optimise your page URL

Your website’s URL is one of the first things visitors see when they arrive on your site, so it’s important that you make it count.

Shorten your URLs by removing unnecessary words and spaces and using hyphens to separate words (for example:

Add keywords that are relevant to the page content in order to help search engines understand what pages are about (for example:

6. Be strategic with your links

Links are one of the most important elements of your blog, and they’re also one of the most misunderstood.

A lot of people think that links are just there to help readers navigate around your content. But that’s only part of what they do–links can also help search engines understand what your page is about, which in turn influences how high it ranks in search results.

 If you use them correctly (and strategically), links will boost traffic and engagement on every page on your site!

7. Craft an enticing meta description

Meta descriptions are the snippets that appear in search results. They’re usually around 150-160 characters and are a great opportunity to get your website seen by more people.

If you want to increase traffic from Google, make sure that your meta descriptions are enticing and unique for each page on your site–don’t copy them from other parts of the site or from competitor sites!

8. Optimise your images

Images are a great way to add visual interest and break up text, but they can also distract from your content if not optimised correctly. Here are some best practices for using images on your blog:

  • Use alt text (the “alt” in an image file) to describe the image. This helps readers who use screen readers or search engines that don’t show images when they scan web pages. It also gives you more space in your post editor so that you can include more keywords in each post!
  • Make sure the images are relevant to the topic at hand; this will help readers understand what they’re looking at when they come across an image while reading through a post (and keep them engaged). If there’s no reason why something should be illustrated with an image, then don’t do it!

9. Ensure mobile friendliness and reduce page loading times

Mobile friendliness and reducing page loading times are two important factors when it comes to SEO Brisbane. Google has been working hard to make sure that mobile users have a great experience on their site, and it’s in your best interest as a blogger or publisher to follow suit.

If you want to ensure that your blog is optimised for mobile devices, there are several things you can do:

  • Ensure that your site is responsive (i.e., adapts itself based on the device being used). You can do this by adding responsive design elements like fluid grids and flexible images.
  • Make sure all of your images are optimised for web use (JPEGs will load faster than PNGs). This means keeping file sizes down so they don’t take forever to download!

10. Promote your content

Promoting your blog posts is a vital part of any SEO strategy, but it can be difficult to get the word out about your latest article or video. You have plenty of options for promoting your content:

  • Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are great places to share links with friends, family members, and colleagues. If you’re lucky enough to have a large following on these networks, then this is an easy way to get more eyes on your work.
  • Content marketing (i.e., creating content that educates readers while also serving as an advertisement) can help drive traffic back through paid ads or organic search results in addition to providing value on its own merit–and if done well enough may even catch some attention from journalists looking for stories!


If you’re looking to increase traffic and engagement on your blog, SEO is the way to go. It’s also a great way to improve your ranking in Google search results.

However, it can be difficult to figure out which strategies are effective and which ones aren’t worth your time. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 10 blog SEO Brisbane strategies that will help give you an edge over other sites in terms of both rankings and readership numbers!