Calgary SEO Services

SEO is one of the most important aspects of your eCommerce business. It’s not just about ranking well in search engines, but also about building a solid brand and generating revenue.

Here Calgary SEO Services experts suggest to follow some best SEO strategies to rank higher in SERPs and get more organic traffic on your website.

If you’re an online retailer, it’s no secret that search engine optimization (SEO) is an integral part of any successful ecommerce business. 

But what are the best SEO strategies for your eCommerce websites? Here are five ways you can optimize your site to improve user experience and increase sales:

Choose The Right Domain Name.

The first step is to choose the right domain name. A good domain name should be easy for you, your customers and search engines to remember and spell. You should also keep in mind that longer names get more traffic than shorter ones. So, don’t pick a very short or very long domain name if you can help it. 

Therefore, Calgary SEO Services experts guide that it’s important that the name not be too descriptive because this will limit its effectiveness when it comes time to build links pointing back at your website through content marketing campaigns such as guest blogging and link building outreach campaigns with influencers in your industry or profession who already have large followings online (e.g., bloggers).

Optimize Your Users’ Experience

Calgary SEO Services

The best optimization strategies are the ones that improve your users’ experience. You can do this by:

  • Using a fast, reliable hosting service. A slow website will negatively impact the user experience and drive away potential customers.
  • Making sure your site is mobile-friendly. According to Google’s data, mobile searches now account for more than half of all searches globally—and that number is only going up as consumers get more comfortable with their smartphones and tablets as tools to find what they need online (or while they’re out and about). Mobile-friendly sites have been shown to improve conversion rates because they are easier to navigate on smaller screens, so make sure yours works well on them!
  • Using a fast loading page design/speed. If your pages take too long to load or are complicated in design with many distracting elements, then you risk losing visitors who might be interested in buying something from you but aren’t willing to wait several seconds just to see what kind of products/services you offer before leaving the site altogether!

Provide Quality Content

Quality content is the most important part of SEO, yet many businesses fail to realize this. If you have a website, you should be providing valuable information to your audience. This can include anything from blog posts to whitepapers and eBooks. The goal is to give people something that helps them or teaches them something new on a topic they’re interested in. 

You want people reading your content because it provides value for them, not because there’s some sort of incentive like an ad at the end or something similar (which we’ll talk about later).

Content should also be keyword-rich so it attracts search engines like Google and Bing as well as human readers. 

Keywords are words or phrases that users type into search engines when looking for information related to your products/services or industry in general – think “eCommerce software” instead of “online shopping cart software.” When writing these types of articles make sure they’re unique since one person could potentially write hundreds if not thousands over time!

Focus on On-Page SEO.

The first step to optimizing your content for search engines is to make sure that it’s optimized for humans as well. This means making sure that the page has relevant and useful information, regardless of whether it gets a lot of organic traffic or not. The more people who visit your site, the more likely you are to get noticed by Google in organic searches.

Next, you need to focus on writing great copy for each page on your website. 

Use keywords sparingly but strategically—don’t overdo it or write something so long-winded that no one wants to read it! When writing meta data like title tags and descriptions (H1 headers), try using variations of the same keyword rather than several different ones; this can help increase click-through rates as users might see different results depending on what they searched for!

 Improve Site Loading Speed

  • Define the problem before starting on a solution.
  • Make sure you have realistic goals, and set them based on what your site needs.
  • Don’t worry about what other people’s goals are; just focus on your own business goals!


If you’re wondering what the best SEO strategies are for your eCommerce websites, the answer is simple. However, Calgary SEO Services experts come up with many factors to take into consideration when optimizing your website for SEO purposes, but there are key steps that every business should follow. By following these tips, you will be well on your way to improving both organic search visibility and user experience across all devices.
