Building Inspections Melbourne

The building or buying a readymade house can be a big life decision because you spend your years earning on a property that you have earned by hard work.

Building a house is one of the huge future investments you do for the safety of your family. We think a lot before buying any property and after so much research, we decide to buy one property that suits our budget and requirement but the sad thing is the majority of people think that their job is done by buying property and that is where the mistake happens while avoiding the inspection work.

House needs inspection after every 5 to 7 years to ensure safety. Always choose the Best Building inspections Melbourne Company for the high-quality inspection service.

6 common mistakes which people often make while hiring an inspection company:

1. Hiring the cheap inspector

Some people believe that if your home is newly built then the Construction Company might have taken care of safety but to be on the safer side, it’s always a good idea to consult an experienced home inspector to detect the invisible faults of the home.

2. Not researching the inspector

Most homebuyers make the mistake of not researching about the inspector, they just go with the home inspector that is suggested. For personal satisfaction, do proper research on the inspector that you are going to hire for your home.

The important question you should ask the inspector:

  •  How much experience do you have in the inspection firm?
  •  What was your previous job before the inspection?
  •  How many inspections have you done to date?

3. Avoiding inspection advice

People generally ignore the inspector’s advice to avoid unusual expenses but not spending on inspection and repair will take you nowhere because you only have to pay the sufferings and damage cost if any disaster occurs in the future. So, gather as much detail as possible to be 100% sure.

4. Not verifying inspection

Always check all areas of the home after the inspection is completed.

Mistakes can happen from anyone so check all the parts of the house whether the inspection builders is carried out efficiently or not.

After all, it’s your home where you have to live, so it’s always a wise choice to verify the inspection.

5. Depending on inspector for all work

Don’t depend on the home inspector for all work. Provide necessary advice wherever needed because not all experienced inspectors are correct always. Provide ideas on what needs to be repaired and replaced.

6. Ignoring the exterior

Don’t take the exterior lightly, it might seem to look good from the outside but it’s the place that degrades house impression when any problem occurs.

Check exteriors of the house such as pipes, drains, and gutters to prevent your house from leakage and mold growth.


In the end, it’s your responsibility to get your property inspected from time to time for the safety of you and your family.

If you are planning to buy any new property, always consult the reputed pre-purchase building inspection company for the guaranteed security.

Hope you found our inspection guide helpful and we expect that you will implement our guide at the time of property purchase.
