Independent Schools

While some people assume that private schools are only available to the wealthy, they are incorrect. There are actually many different types of Independent Schools available, from religious-based institutions to academic-focused schools. Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Benefits of Independent School

Learning Styles

When choosing a school for your child, you want to make sure it aligns with their learning style. When possible, visit classrooms to see how students are interacting with teachers and classmates.

If you can’t visit in person, try to look for videos online that show student/teacher interactions. It’s good practice to do your due diligence when considering schools for your child, so make sure to ask questions about how they can best help your child reach their potential.

You should also get in touch with other parents who have children enrolled at the school. Their insights will be invaluable as you learn more about what makes each school unique.

Curriculum Overview

Independent Schools

The curriculum differs from school to school and can vary in rigor depending on whether it is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) or liberal arts based program. Most schools will require your child to complete a minimum number of courses in math, English, history and science each year.

Some schools will also require students to take additional classes such as art history or music appreciation if they are not enrolled in one of these fields at their core campus. Class Size: Class sizes range widely across independent schools.

At some smaller programs, there may be only two or three students per class; however, many larger programs have class sizes that exceed 30 students. Many parents prefer small class sizes because they feel that teachers are able to give more individualised attention in these settings.

Extracurricular Options

There’s plenty of debate around how much extracurriculars matter when it comes to college applications. Some studies have shown that having a long list of extracurricular activities on your college application has little impact on your chances of getting into a top school.

Other studies show that kids with fewer extracurriculars are at a disadvantage. In short: more is better, but quality is also key.

If you can afford tuition and fees for Independent Schools—or if you qualify for financial aid—make sure you investigate all of your options carefully. You might find that there’s a hidden gem among independent schools that offers exactly what you want in terms of academics and extracurriculars.


In today’s global economy, it is important to know what makes a school independent. There are many advantages and disadvantages to attending an independent or private school, so make sure you learn everything you can before deciding which one is right for your child.

Make sure that any school you consider has a proven record of success with students who want to get into great colleges.