If you are looking to buy a new generator, it is a good idea to explore the option of buying generators for sale NZ. Generators have become more affordable over time, and there are many reasons why you might want to purchase one.

# 1. Evaluate your power needs

The first thing to do when you’re looking for a generator is to evaluate your power needs. How much power do you need? What is the peak load? What is the maximum running time?

 How much are you willing to spend on a unit that will meet those needs, and how portable or stationary do you want it to be? Once you’ve made these determinations, it will be easier for you to narrow down your search results.

# 2. Consider Generators For Sale

First and foremost, you want to make sure that the generator is right for your needs. It’s tempting to just buy a big one, but this could be an expensive mistake. 

Generators vary greatly in their capacity and efficiency ratings: some may have more power than what you need while others might not even be able to start your equipment at all. If you aren’t sure about what kind of generator will work best for your situation, it’s always safer to err on the side of caution and go with something smaller than you think might be necessary.

Also keep in mind that if there is any maintenance involved with your purchase—such as parts replacements or regular servicing—it will cost money over time. You’ll need these costs factored into whatever budget plan you’re creating before starting out on this journey!

generators for sale nz

# 3. Check the portability of the generator

You can check the portability of a generator by measuring its dimensions and weight. You can determine how portable a generator is by checking whether or not it comes with wheels and handles (or similar), as well as if it has an automatic start/stop function, which helps to keep them ready-to-go at all times.

Another way you can check for portability is by looking at how much noise they produce. Generators that are more portable tend to be quieter than other models, so keep this in mind when searching for industrial generators for sale!

# 4. Assess the fuel type and tank size

In addition to the size of a generator, it is also important to assess the fuel type and tank size. Generators are available in many different sizes, from small portable ones that can deliver up to 2 kW of power, to larger units that deliver more than 50 kW at 120/240V. Tank size is an important consideration because it determines how long your generator will run before it needs refueling (generally speaking, a smaller tank equates with more frequent refills).

Finally, when buying industrial generators for sale online or at an auction site like eBay or Craigslist, check out their condition and make sure they have all their parts before committing yourself financially.

# 5. Determine noise levels and exhaust emissions

  • Noise Levels: The first thing to consider is how noisy your generator will be. If you plan on running it indoors, make sure that the engine noise won’t be too loud.
  • Pollution: Make sure that the exhaust emissions are not harmful. If so, make sure you have a way of dealing with them.
  • Operating Costs: There’s nothing worse than finding an industrial generator for sale and then realizing that it costs $50,000 a year just to keep running! When looking at potential generators for sale, try to find out if there are any expensive ongoing operating costs associated with having one as well as how long they last before needing repairs or maintenance again (usually anywhere between 5-10 years).


If you’re looking for industrial generators for sale NZ, keep these tips in mind. By doing so, you can find the perfect generator for your needs and budget.