Office cleaning Melbourne

Office cleaning Melbourne

Dull, lifeless offices can be a major mood killer. They can also lead to a lack of productivity and creativity. Wouldn’t it be great if your office could be clean and sparkly in just a few minutes? It’s definitely possible with the right Office cleaning Melbourne tips. In this post, we’ll show you how to get your office clean and shining in no time!

Gather your supplies

The first step in office cleaning is to gather your supplies. You’ll need a broom, dustpan, mop, cleaning supplies (such as a bucket, dish soap, and glass cleaner), and trash bags. If you have a vacuum cleaner, bring that too. It’s a good idea to have a few rags or towels on hand as well. It’s also helpful to have a list of the rooms in your office and what needs to be done in each room. This will help keep you organised and efficient as you clean.

Empty all the trash

The quickest way to get your office clean is to start with a clean slate. Empty all the trash cans and recycling bins, and give them a good wipe down while you’re at it. If you have any embarrassing or confidential documents lying around, now is the time to shred them. You don’t want anyone stumbling across them while cleaning!

Dust all surfaces

Dusting is an important part of Office cleaning Melbourne, but it’s often one of the most overlooked tasks. It’s easy enough to do, but it can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your office.

Make sure to dust all of your surfaces – from your desk to your shelves to your filing cabinets. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies, and don’t forget to dust the tops and bottoms of all your surfaces as well. A quick and easy way to dust is to use a microfiber cloth. They’re great for picking up dust and dirt, and they won’t leave any streaks behind.

Wipe down all hard surfaces

Once you’ve dusted all the surfaces, it’s time to give them a good wipe down. This will help remove any remaining dirt or dust, and will also help to disinfect the area. All of our hard surfaces can be wiped down easily with a disinfectant wipe or a wet cloth. Be sure to pay special attention to areas that tend to get dirty easily, such as the kitchen and the bathrooms.

If you have a lot of office equipment or furniture, you may want to consider investing in a small vacuum cleaner. This will help you keep your office clean and dust-free in between deep cleans.

Vacuum all carpets

A good way to start your office cleaning is by vacuuming all of the carpets. This will get rid of all of the dirt and dust that has gathered over time. Make sure to go over each room multiple times to ensure that all of the carpets are clean.

Office cleaning Melbourne

Mop all hard floors

Start by mopping all of your hard floors. This will remove any dirt, dust, or debris that’s built up over time. Make sure to use the right mop for your type of flooring. For example, if you have hardwood floors, use a Swiffer wet mop to avoid scratching the surface. For best results, use hot water and a pH-neutral detergent. This will help break down any dirt and grease and leave your floors looking shiny and new!


By following these tips, you can get your office cleaned in record time so you can get back to work (or play!) in no time. And the best part is, these Office cleaning Melbourne tips are easy and affordable, so there’s no excuse not to give them a try.
