Industrial Air Compressor

When it comes to Industrial Air Compressor, CO2 emissions can be a big issue. In this article we are going to explain how you can reduce these CO2 emissions and also explain why they are such an issue in compressed air systems.

Find out your actual compressed air needs.

It’s important to understand your compressed air needs so you can compare them with the actual compressed air needs. For example, if you are using a new machine that requires more compressed air than the previous one, then it is time to do something about it.

You can find out your actual compressed air needs by calculating them or by figuring out how much gas is being consumed. If the amount of gas being used is way higher than usual, then chances are high that there is something wrong with the system or that some components need replacing because they have become worn out over time. In this case, replacing various parts will not only save money but also help reduce CO2 emissions as well as other harmful gases such as NOx and SOx.

Choosing the correct location for the compressor

Choosing the correct location for the compressor is important because it will determine how much energy you will use to power it.

  • Choose a location that is not in the direct path of the wind.
  • Choose a location that is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Choose a location that is not exposed to rain or snow, as they can cause moisture build up around your unit and shorten its lifespan by rusting out internal parts of your compressor.
  • Finally, choose a location where dust and dirt won’t get into your compressor or affect its performance in any way!

Keep the working pressure as low as possible. 

Industrial Air Compressor

If you are running an industrial air compressor, the first thing that you need to do is keep the working pressure as low as possible. The ideal range of working pressure is between 0 and 10 bar. The reduced pressure helps reduce power consumption, ultimately making your machinery more efficient and less noisy. A low-pressure pump can also lower maintenance costs and increase efficiency by up to 50%. With a lower working pressure, it takes less time for your machine to reach full capacity, thereby saving both time and money in terms of energy costs incurred on cooling systems etc. Because CO2 emissions are directly related to energy consumption, reducing your operating costs by lowering your operating temperature will also help reduce CO2 emissions.

Fix leaks for CO2 emissions reduction.

One of the best ways to reduce CO2 emissions is to fix leaks. Leaks can be caused by faulty valves and fittings, worn-out seals, loose connections and hoses, and damaged pipes. The most common leak is a loose connection between the air compressor and your machine.


As we have seen, the use of an industrial air compressor can help reduce CO2 emissions. This is because it uses electricity that is not generated by burning fossil fuels. In addition, it also reduces the amount of fuel used, reducing the amount of CO2 released into our atmosphere.
