It’s hard to tell when a child is old enough to see an orthodontist Doncaster. Ultimately, it depends on your child’s mouth and the advice of your family dentist or pediatric dentist. But there are some common signs (and symptoms) that indicate you may want to make an appointment with an orthodontist:

Your child has a crowded mouth

If your child has a crowded mouth, it means that the upper and lower teeth don’t fit together as they should. The tongue may be pushed to one side of his or her mouth, and in some cases, certain areas of the teeth will grow faster than others. 

This can cause problems with chewing and eating because food gets stuck between teeth that don’t line up correctly. Crowding also affects breathing: when there are too many teeth in the front of your child’s mouth and not enough space for them all to fit comfortably (or at all), this can cause difficulty breathing through his or her nose and lead to snoring at night.

The best way to tell if your child is experiencing crowding is by checking him or her out with an oral hygienist who knows what they’re doing (yes, there are good ones out there!). If he or she finds anything unusual—such as poor alignment between two specific teeth—that’s worth looking into more closely before deciding whether orthodontics may be needed.

Early loss of baby teeth

Early loss of baby teeth can affect the alignment of a child’s permanent teeth. If a baby’s tooth is lost at an early age, it may not be able to guide the permanent tooth into its correct place. This can cause issues down the road.

Early Loss Of Baby Teeth

Teeth that are missing for an extended period of time may not grow back. A child who loses a tooth at a young age may have difficulty with chewing and speaking as the permanent tooth grows in. This can cause issues with nutrition, speech development, and social interactions.

You see a crossbite

A crossbite is a misalignment between the upper and lower teeth. The upper teeth may overlap the lower teeth or vice versa. This misalignment can cause problems with chewing, speech, and appearance, which is why it’s important to seek treatment early on.

While genetics are not often a factor in determining whether or not your child will have a crossbite, there are cases where trauma to their mouth has caused their jaw alignment to be off-kilter (or “open”).

If you notice that your child has a crossbite at an early age (around 5 years old), it’s likely that they’ll need braces to correct this issue.

You see an overbite or underbite

  • An underbite occurs when the lower teeth don’t completely cover the upper front teeth. It can be very mild, with just a tiny space between the two sets of teeth, or severe and protruding from your face.
  • An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth extend past the lower ones. It appears as though there is more gum showing than tooth in this case.
  • A crossbite happens when your child’s top jaw doesn’t meet their bottom jaw properly because each side of their mouth is misaligned with the other; either one side is going up higher than it should while another side is going down lower than it should, or vice versa (or both).

Missing or extra teeth

Missing or extra teeth are common reasons for seeing an orthodontist. If you have any concerns about the number of teeth your child has, it’s best to get this checked out by orthodontist Doncaster as soon as possible.

If one or more of your child’s permanent teeth is missing, the missing tooth or teeth can be replaced with dental implants. 

Dental implants are permanently anchored into the jawbone and look like natural teeth once they’ve healed (about three months after surgery). They’re more expensive than dentures but last longer and provide better chewing function.

Teeth that don’t come in properly

If your child’s mouth is crowded, crooked, overlapping, or misaligned, she may need orthodontic treatment.

If your child has a problem with the way her teeth are growing that causes her to have difficulty eating or chewing food, it will be necessary for her to see an orthodontist at some point. This can happen because of an abnormality in the development of the jaw bones (the maxilla and mandible) that is caused by genetic factors or environmental influences such as diet or lack of calcium intake during childhood.

If you suspect that your child needs braces for any reason whatsoever—whether it’s because he’s been making funny faces at you all day long or because his teacher told him he looks like Dracula—you should schedule an appointment with an orthodontist immediately.


The best way to know if your child needs braces is by visiting an orthodontist. Your dentist can recommend one, or you can search online for a local one that accepts patients. If you’re not sure whether your child will need braces, it never hurts to schedule an appointment and hear what they have to say!
